I don’t know what it is about summer that makes me think furoshiki, but we’re back at it again! A few years ago we did a post on how to turn your beach towel into a beach bag and I loved how effortless and practical it was. Then we had our honeymoon in Japan and got to tour furoshiki shops, take a class, and saw how versatile the art form really is.
Furoshiki is the Japanese term for “wrapping cloth” and has roots all the way back to the Edo period (we’re talking 1600-1800s here!) and was born from their bath culture. People would use furoshiki as a way to carry & store personal belongings. We’ll be staying true to its original intent but taking an everyday spin on it as a summertime purse.
You’ll Need:
a square piece of fabric (mine was 26″x26″)
2 purse handles (I stained these darker)
1. Start with the back of the fabric facing up. This side will become the inside of the purse. Place one handle roughly 1/3 of the way down and centered. Take the bottom corners of the fabric and fold them over the handle.
2. Pull the fabric corners from the front of the handle to the back.
3. Bring the two corners together in the front and tie into a simple bow. Tuck the bottom corner into the purse.
4. Repeat on the other side of the fabric with the remaining purse handle and corners. Fluff it up, arrange the bow, and you’re done!
Note: I would recommend using a medium weight fabric (think cheap bandana weight) so it is thin enough to tie but thick enough to hold its shape. If you want to use a lightweight fabric, use spray starch to help it have structure.
This little purse has been perfect for holding my card case and sunglasses when we go out! I also love that if I find another fabric I like, I can easily switch it up and have a purse ready for any outfit. Have you tried furoshiki before? What would you make with it?
it is so cute! I’m going to try making it!
Its amazing and trying right now. I using a hiddeb hijab mabgnet to help keep it closed tigh and not worry a about anythig falling out
That is so smart! I’ll have to try that too
Lo cosi alos costados
I wish you had a video explaining and showing it. I’m a video learning gal. Instructions for me get lost in the making. LOL