Every time I think ‘I’ll just go in to browse’, the jewelry displays in Anthropologie and Madewell sucker me. I walk in for one thing and, op, another necklace has found its way home. I’m weak to their little vignettes and my tangled jewelry pile just doesn’t feel the same.
So in an effort to get my collection under control and achieve some organizational zen, I’m proud to introduce the DIY mounted jewelry display. Plus, maybe seeing my collection on the wall will keep me from expanding it, ha!
The real secrets for success in this tutorial are the new IKEA HVOSTA frames. This idea has been sitting on the back burner for awhile while I tried to figure out how to make a pinboard strong enough for statement necklaces. The HVSOTA frames have box frame inserts that support the foam board and create a nice gap between the foam board and frame backing for the T-pins.
You’ll Need
low temp glue gun (high temp glue guns can melt foam core)
binder clips
foam core board
IKEA HVOSTA frames (1 2)
Cut your foam board to the same size as the box frame insert. I used thin linen left over from the no-sew lumbar pillow, but if you’re using a thicker fabric you might have to trim the foam board more.
Stretch the fabric across the foam board, starting from the middle of parallel sides. Hold in place with binder clips. Glue down and repeat for the last 2 sides, folding the corners in like a present.
Pop the fabric board into the frame, then the frame insert, then the backing.
Stick the T-pins in a downward angle for max hold. For lighter pieces regular push pins might work, but the long T-pin stem helps balance out the really heavy scores.
What do you think? I’m probably going to make more and turn my closet wall into a tiny jewelry gallery.
Very creative way to display and enjoy your collection,